Keep Mulrooney as Ramsey County Judge

Oct 9, 2024

We are retired judges and practicing Ramsey County attorneys writing to provide our very strong endorsement for the re-election of Judge Tim Mulrooney to the Ramsey County District Court bench.

We do so because Mulrooney has served as judge in Ramsey County since 2016 and is one of the finest judges on the bench. Mulrooney has demonstrated the qualities needed in a district court judge: intelligence, a deep commitment to the fair enforcement and application of the law, a profound understanding of the law and courtroom operations in Ramsey County, empathy for all the individuals and families who appear in his courtroom and the humility necessary for this difficult work.

Mulrooney is one of only three judges in Ramsey County who has responsibility for the mental health/civil commitment court system. The litigants in the mental health system are among the most vulnerable, and it is critical that a judge with his knowledge and experience continues to manage the complex needs of that specialized court. If you or someone close to you is a Ramsey County litigant, whether in a civil, criminal or family court case, Mulrooney is the kind of judge you want making the decision on the important issues that bring you before the court.

Elections present a choice. In this race, there are two candidates. Mulrooney’s opponent became a lawyer in 2021. According to public data available on Minnesota Court Records Online, there is no record of his opponent ever appearing as an attorney in any Minnesota state courtroom. No one should have a judge making critical decisions without the experience needed to manage this important role. Mulrooney has this experience.

Finally, representative of the broad and deep support of his peers, Mulrooney received 91.32% in the Ramsey County Bar plebiscite, a survey provided to bar members. Mulrooney’s supporters represent a broad cross-section of attorneys (family, personal injury, public defenders, county attorneys), mental health professionals, present and former elected officials, and community members. We strongly ask you to support the re-election of Judge Tim Mulrooney to the Ramsey County District Court.

This letter was submitted by Richard Cohen, former Minnesota state senator; George Stephenson, former Ramsey County judge; Kevin Burke, former Hennepin County chief judge; Jim Fleming, former chief public defender, Ramsey County; Tami McConkey, director of the victim, witness and postconviction justice division, Ramsey County Attorney’s Office; Sabrina Yates, assistant director of the trial division, Ramsey County Attorney’s Office

This originally appeared in the Star Tribune on October 8, 2024 and can be accessed online.